Penn Wellness

Meet Our Wellness Team

Sarah Goff, RDN
Wellness Manager

I became interested in a nutrition career after I took up baking as a hobby; I loved using ingredients in non-traditional ways and wanted to delve deeper into the science behind food. After working in a clinical setting for 3 years, I came to university dining out of a desire to work more closely with food and preventative wellness. I’ve always had a natural passion for environmental sustainability, and Bon Appetit’s work at the intersection of food and sustainability was a perfect match. In my current role, I work behind the scenes to ensure that every student at Penn has balanced food options that they crave.


Food Allergies and Celiac Disease

Serving Students with Food Allergies and Celiac Disease 

The dining services team is well-trained in food allergy awareness and offers a variety of options for students with food allergies and celiac disease. Ingredients and allergen information for menu items can be found on our online menus, and allergen information can be found on station signage within our cafés.  

Each student must determine their own level of comfort when making selections within our cafés. To support students in this, we have developed a Food Allergies and Celiac Disease Guide. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of our food allergy and celiac disease program.

Food AllergIES and Celiac Disease Guide

Disclaimer: Food ingredient and allergen information is provided for informational purposes in response to guest requests. Products may change without our knowledge and menu items are prepared in close proximity to other ingredients that may introduce cross-contact with ingredients not listed. We cannot assure against these contingencies. Guests with food allergies or specific dietary concerns should speak with a manager for individualized assistance.

Questions & Contact

For additional questions about our food allergy program, please visit our FAQ page.

To discuss these services or to request food allergy accommodations, students should contact:

Sarah Goff, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Bon Appétit Management Company

Disability Services, Weingarten Learning Resources Center, University of Pennsylvania
Please follow the instructions on the Getting Started webpage for the MyWeingartenCenter Student Portal to submit your request through that portal.

Vegan and Vegetarian Dining


Bon Appétit at Penn Dining is proud to offer a variety of vegan and vegetarian options in every café. To learn more about our vegan and vegetarian offerings, including residential dining tips, please review our Vegan and Vegetarian dining guide. 

Vegan and Vegetarian Dining Guide

Last updated September 2024 

Please direct any additional questions to Sarah Goff, RDN, Wellness Manager and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for Bon Appétit at Penn Dining. Sarah remains available to support students with dietary needs through individualized virtual meetings, in-person café tours, and introductions to the café management team. 

Sarah Goff, RDN
Wellness Manager and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist 

Serving Students with Religious Diets

Penn Dining’s strong partnership with The Office of the Chaplain & SPARC helps us best support the diverse population of Penn students. More information on Kosher and Halal programs can be found on Penn Dining’s website.  

Please direct any additional questions to Sarah Goff, RDN, Wellness Manager and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for Bon Appétit at Penn Dining. Sarah remains available to support students with dietary needs through individualized virtual meetings, in-person café tours, and introductions to the café management team. 

Dine Well, Eat Smart


Dine Well, Eat Smart is Bon Appetit at Penn Dining’s premier dietitian- and chef-driven wellness education series. The program explores monthly wellness themes through biweekly email newsletters and articles. Penn Dining’s chef team brings the information to life through in-cafe events and station takeovers.  

Check out this month’s theme!

Wellness @ Bon Appétit

At Bon Appétit, we believe good health is about the choices you make every day at every meal. Read on to learn more about healthy eating patterns as well as the community and environmental issues that can affect your well-being.

You may view all articles by category with the following links: All Categories | Feel Your Best | Fuel for Exercise | Sustainable Eating | Weighty Matters | Special Diets | The Buzz | Recipes

Ask the Dietitian

Do you have a specific question about nutrition or the foods that are served in your Bon Appétit café? Please browse the previously asked questions below or contact our Registered Dietitian using this form.

Common Nutrition Questions

See all Frequently Asked Questions

Ask the Dietitian

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It’s All Connected

Leading by example

We are proud to be the first food service company to commit to:

  • Supporting local agriculture (with a defined purchasing target), since 1999
  • Striving to serve only seafood that meets Seafood Watch® sustainability guidelines for commercial buyers, since 2002
  • Reducing antibiotic use in farm animals (2003)
  • Serving rBGH-free milk (2003)
Learn more through the issue areas below.

Our Well-Being Commitments

Bon Appétit Management Company programs take a macro view of wellness. A healthy environment, community and café menu are vital to the well-being of our guests. We know many of our guests have a high level of interest in health and nutrition. We take responsibility for delivering choices in all of these areas.

Our Promise | In Balance | Nutrition Facts Tables | Portions Matter

Farm To Fork

Farm to Fork is a companywide initiative to buy locally, formalized in 1999. Our first choice is to purchase seasonal ingredients from small, owner-operated farms and ranches within a 150-mile radius of your café — at least 20 percent of every dollar we spend. Food grown locally is fresher, better tasting, and often has greater nutritional value. Our commitment to local food is about preserving biodiversity, protecting open space, supporting family farmers, and keeping money invested in your community.

Learn more about your local farmers